These videos and images are behind-the-scenes moments of development and experimentation within various projects. These are primarily process or "in progress" videos that are not included in the project's main page, or are standalone, charrette-style experiments.
Streaming data between Maya, Grasshopper, and TouchDesigner in real time.
Delta Bot Testing - toolpath generation from simple geometries.
Delta Bot Testing - Precision / writing test
AFAB end-arm articulation and extrusion test (repeating toolpath).
3-axis keypad robot - a small 3-servo robot programmed to press numbers on a keypad when corresponding buttons are pressed on a smartphone.
Left: AFAB leg prototype with large gear ratio. The final version eliminated the gear ratio and placed the rotating column directly on the servo.
Above: This is what the light animations from this video look like in real-time.
This is the what the Maya animation looked like for the Tomographic Exercise videos in the Light / Motion Animations project.
Robot Path Tracer - a webcam interface for interpreting colored curves as robot tool paths and dots as action points.
A Kinect interface for Grasshopper where the red wireframe is a person who is interacting with a series of objects. The camera's position is also placed at the user's head to be able to navigate the model.